As a social practice artist, I work with artists, educators, engineers, scientists and community organizations to develop sculptures, installations and media that can provoke conversations about complicated systems like the power grid, renewable energy and the Anthropocene

Tall Wetland Grass, Osage Park, made with fabricated steel tubing and solar lighting, photo by Gregory Ballos


Large scale fabricated diorama-like objects constructed from steel and aluminum using techniques of hot and cold welding

Lily the Brine Shrimp, Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh, made with recycled plastic and gears, photo by Joshua Franzos

Recycled Plastic

Projects imagining plastic as a living material. Studies have found microplastic in everything, everywhere, everybody. What is it doing?

Deartoy and Asia Ward, NEMO Science Museum exhibit, photo by Joshua Franzos


Artwork in the form of animatronics, data driven interactive games and immersive responsive environments.

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Ambitious and far reaching projects accomplished through collaboration with artists, companies, non-profits, and community organizations. Video from MPR News on the Plume Project


Work leading hands-on activities. teacher training, events, lessons and kits all about STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math). Image from REcharge Academy 2015, St. Anthony Main Research Laboratory, MN.
