
Cocoon is a walk through installation supported by The Better World Museum. The structure is made from boat shrink wrap, shaped and welded using a heat gun. The title is about the main piece cocooning inside of this room, inside of the City Center. I built cocoon as a form of portal, to help you go back and forth through narratives of time and space

Cocoon interview

Paige Dansinger, the Director of the Better World Museum interviewed me while chewing on pizza and building the structure. Cocoon is about imagining plastic transforming from inanimate to animate. This process would require life now to evolve into new forms that could thrive in a plastic environment. Our human bodies would have to adjust to the ingestion, implantation and absorption of the material until we are the material. In a similar scenario, I imagine all lifeforms becoming plastic. Two of the futuristic lifeforms in the piece are coral reef organisms that are further along in transformation.

Cocoon gallery

Cocoon press

City Pages 1

City Pages 2

The Better World Museum

City Pages 3




Long Distance Touch