
Skyworm was made for the artists in storefront project Made Here: Future Light, supported by Hennepin Theater Trust. Skyworm is an object of climate fiction I have created about the future of energy


The Future

This exhibit of an early model of a Sky Worm is smaller in size than the current employed devices. Sky Worms are floating automated devices that control the quality of light from the sun. Using dichroic film, Sky Worm amplifies or blocks specific colors on the light spectrum. Altering the spectrum changes how we see color. It makes plants grow faster, solar panels more efficient and temperatures shift. Controlling the spectrum can be used to help or regulate. Sky Worms are there to insure that the sun as a resource can be taxed, traded, and moderated for the good of all Earth creatures.


Sky Worm

In the future there will be a sun tax

The Present

Currently the rain water is owned by the city, there are sun rights in building zones, and corporations can own air and ground rights. The Earth gets almost all of it's energy from the sun. Humans require energy to survive and fight and trade for energy sources like coal, oil, and gas.

Skyworm gallery

Skyworm press

City Pages

Meet Minneapolis City by Nature


Plastic Food

